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About Me

About Me

For better Software

Technical Experience

  • Languages
    • C
    • C++
    • Python
  • Platform
    • Linux
  • Development Domain
    • Embeded system application
    • Sensor integration
    • Network
    • Browser
    • Media
  • Tools
    • Docker / Docker-compose
    • Git

Experience & Projects


  • App Framework 1 team / researcher
  • Software Engineering
  • 2020.03 ~

Develoment Browser and Framework

Develoment chromium based browser for vehicle and Framework for HTML5 based web application

Software Engineering 2020.03 ~

  • Develoment chromium based browser for vehicle
    • 각 고객사별 리눅스 기반 타겟 디바이스에 Browser 포팅 및 기능 개블
      • 고객사의 사양에 맞춰 추가 기능 개발
    • Chromium upgreade시 이에 대응하여 각 feature 포팅
    • Browser의 graphic stack
      • 타겟 디바이스 별 화면 출력 및 input 처리를 위한 window system(Wayland, X11) 연동 및 이슈 처리
      • 타겟 디바이스 별 Browser의 GPU 버그등의 이슈 처리
    • Browser의 media stack
      • 기존 FFMPEG 기반의 media stack 구현에 대하여 Gstreamer 기반의 media stack 으로 포팅 및 개발
      • DRM 컨텐츠 재생을 위한 CDM 연동
        • Widevine DRM(L3) 포팅 및 연동 개발
        • Playready DRM(SL3000) 포팅 및 연동 개발
        • CoreTrust DRM 연동을 위한 HLS proxy 서버 포팅 및 연동 개발
          • ASIO 기반의 HLS 서버 포팅
    • Browser의 network stack
      • 타겟 디바이스의 CCU/DCU 네트워크 환경 연동
        • 타겟 디바이스와 Browser의 network namespace 환견 연동
        • 내부 DNS 서버 연동을 통한 네트워크 환경 연동
  • Develoment Application Framework for HTML5 based web application
    • Requirements Analysis for several customer and development feature
    • Development QT based SDK for Application Framework product


  • Autonomous Solution Develpoment Team / manager
  • System Development
  • 2018.01 ~ 2020.02

Develop autonomouse AI computing module and verify vehicle technology

Verify autonomouse function with autonomouse computing module at vehicle

System Analysis and Engineering 2019.05 ~ 2019.12

  • Autonomouse shuttle ananlysus and linking
    • Analysis operately data on autonomouse shuttle
    • Linking between commertial autonomouse shuttle and Springcloud’s device for linking with control center
  • Patent application (in South Korea)
    • Autonomouse System (publish number : 1022613060000)
    • Sensing Data transfer system and method (publish number : 1021977350000)

Technology develop based verify autonomouse shuttle for verify parts of autonomous autonomouse shuttle

Develop operator’s monitoring system for autonomouse shuttle

System Development 2019.03 ~ 2019.12

  • Develop function to autonomouse shuttle’s operator monitoring system
    • Development of data transfer Function and Design data struct for linking control center
    • Develop video streaming server(RTSP, RTP) for camera at vehicle
    • Develop Network monitoring function(check interface, bandwidth, etc)

Develop device for linking control center about vehicle infomation

Solution develop for linking control center about vehicle data and sensor data

System Development 2019.02 ~ 2019.10

  • Develop getting autonomouse vehicle’s sensor data and autonomouse vehicle’s information
    • Develop Sensor(Camera, GNSS, LiDAR, Radar, IMU, CAN) Driver for getting data
  • Develop data transfer software about getting sensor data and vehicle infomation
    • Design data structure for communication using JSON, Google Protobuf
    • Using variouse communication protocol such as TCP/UDP, MQTT, Websocket, Kafka for communicating control center
  • Develop RTSP server for image streaming at vehicle
    • Develop multi Camera, multi session RTSP server
    • multi Camera Image processing and fusion for optimzation
  • Dockernize sensor driver software and data transfer software
    • Manage several sensor driver software and version using Docker
    • Docker Orchestration using Docker-compos


Develop sensor data logging and data transfer system at moving object(vehicle, person, etc)

System Development 2018.03 ~ 2018.12

  • Camera, GNSS sensor interface and getting sensor data on DrivePX2 enviroment
  • Develop GUI application about Recording sensor data and transfer sensor data using QT5
    • Camera, GNSS data record
    • Camera image streaming using RTSP, RTP
    • GNSS data transfer using TCP
  • Regist this software in South Korea


  • 인턴
  • 테이터 분석
  • 2017.07 ~ 2017.07

AMI 데이터분석

AMI(AdvancedMeteringInfrastructure) 데이터 분석

데이터 분석 2017.07 ~ 2017.08

  • 통계를 위한 데이터 전처리
  • 통계 데이터 분석 및 시각화
  • SVM 알고리즘을 이용한 에너지 사용량 예측

Personal Projects

general micro service framework

  • runtime
    • implement plugin based user module load environment
    • implement task based async environment
  • network stack
  • implement basic socket tracnfer
  • implement HTTP stack
  • in development


State Machine header only library for Cross Platform

  • C++ 11, easy port, standard library based libaray
  • support concurrency state using multi theading


screen capture server for screen shring on Linux platform

  • implement screen capture module using gtk
  • implement Golang server for screen shareing
  • compressed screen capture image using MJPEG


RTSP server for multi session ros image

  • Encoding ROS Image(sensor_msgs/Image) to h264 using x264 library
  • Stream encoded image at live555 based RTSP server
  • Access from external using Proxy server

CUDA Image Process

ROS node to CUDA based Image trasfortation

  • GPU based ROS Image(sensor_msgs/Image) tranformation using CUDA library
    • Resize image
    • To gray scale
    • Compressed image (sensor_msgs/Image -> sensor_msgs/CompressedImage)


  • Bachelor of Sience in Computer and Information Science on Korea University Sejong Campus (2011.03 ~ 2018.03)


  • 정보처리기사 (2017.11.24)
  • TOEIC 815 (2016.10)